Test Review


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Test Review

The following table shows the main concept domain for Lesson 3 test items.  Listed are statements of Review Objectives to guide your test preparation.  You may review key concepts by clicking on the hyperlink to the item.  

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You may not find a complete answer at any single link.  Take for example the first objective in the chart below.  It involves a large theme, hence other rows will also be involved with that concept.


Review Objective

A and B

Accurately depict (in broad brush outline) the demographics of religious diversity in the U.S.

A and C

Explain how the nation can be described as "homogeneous" regarding religion in one sense and as "heterogeneous" in another


Describe how the notion of unbelief fits into the scene (national arena)


Characterize the general status of Americans' understanding and awareness of beliefs and practices of non-Christians


Compare the terms "religion" and "worldview" in terms of focus and inclusiveness

G and H

Identify how using the term "worldview" rather than the word "religion" in is beneficial in certain situations


Are you more informed about the relative sizes of major worldview groups in the nation?  (Identify specific new understandings)

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